It might be tempting to be in your office and set up your space. However, you probably won't meet many new people that way either. Get out and walk around!
2. Share what you love about your job
Excitement is contagious- when you talk to your new coworkers, share what excites you about being a counselor. A great counseling program needs support from your stakeholders in order to be successful. Start building that support day one.
3. Offer to help
See someone setting up their room and struggling with those huge sheets of bulletin board paper? Offer to help. Someone bringing in boxes from their car? Offer to help. As counselors, we want to be known as the helpful type!
4. Spend some time in the work room.
This is where the action happens. Laminate something, make some copies, whatever it takes. Lots happens in the work room and you'll get a good feel for how the school works.
5. Make a plan to start.
Elementary counselors are often the only one at their school. If you wait for others to fill your to-do list, they will. Make sure you make a plan about what you want to accomplish in the first few weeks so you don't lose sight of your goals for the year.
Love this great podcast from Real Simple about the First Day on the Job. Great advice even for an experienced counselor moving to a new school. I moved after 9 years at one school and felt like a newbie all over again!