I have recently become fascinated by the Growth Mindset. Carol Dweck is the founder of this theory and began her research by working with students who had been identified as "helpless." Half of the students were taught that their failures were due to insufficient effort and were encouraged to keep trying. These children continued to persist in the face of failure where they didn't before and they succeeded. The control group were taught lessons as usual and continued to give up as they had before.
In one study (Blackwell), when kids were taught in one lesson that intelligence is not innate and then study skills to support their learning- they performed significantly better than students who were taught only study skills. In fact, their behavior and math scores were so different that teachers could easily pick out which students were in the growth mindset group.
In another study (Bennis, 1994), a teachers expectation of a student's aptitude was equivalent to 25 IQ points.
In this PD, I focused on connecting the growth mindset with goal setting. I taught the basics of solution focused goal setting and created a printable to use with students. You can get a free copy of the printable here.
To get a copy of the complete editable presentation, please head on over to TPT. You can always keep up to date about what I find here on my pinterest board.
What's your favorite PD to lead? Least favorite? One you're hoping I can just plan for you? ;)