Other than a website (I use the weebly platform), I don't have to think hard to choose my favorite tech communication tool- smore.com. It's like a turbo-charged newsletter. It's fancy looking with good graphics and lay out. It also tracks the number of visitors and how long they spend reading your newsletter to help you track how well your word is getting out. If you're a tech-geek like me, you can even embed your newsletter in your website and if you update or change information, it automatically updates wherever it's embedded.
Here's an example of my newsletter about my Low-Pressure Parent Book Club. I created a duplicate to share with you here so I can track the statistics on the newsletters that go out to my school's parents. Isn't it lovely?!
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P.S. I'm not paid or perked by the people over at s'more.com, I just like their product and want to share with you!